As in Alice, things get curiouser and curiouser.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Cheney punch out with the rest of the losers? Every time I turn on TV, there he is, looking for all the world like a crazed religious fanatic, his reptilian eyes reflecting his snake-oil salesman messages of failure of the Democrats, and reiterating the squeaky-clean innocence of Dubbya, except ... except ... he believes the President was informed and made the final decision. Of COURSE he did, what ELSE what would he say in the coreographed dance to save his stupid ass from any sort of investigation about torture. "George knew what was going on." Not to necessarily save George from any open investigation, once must consider who we are talking about. Yeah, the one who was struck dumb for at least 7 minutes after being told of the 911 airliner suicide bombers who had struck the World Trade Center AND the Pentagon. It seemed to me that the number 1 item on the Secret Service shopping list was do make Dubbya disappear.
Dubbya's a coward, along with all his other not-so-endearing personality traits. We know them all. He is for all the world a 1950's Hollywood western character actor, going to rid the town of its baddies. Or the Middle East. He'll just have to have a bigger posse, and bigger guns.
Ride on, Wyatt. But the Middle East is way bigger than the OK Corral. Doesn't matter. You won't have anything to do with the actual battle. You'll just sit in Washington and hold press conferences (complete with tears) about losses in the Middle East.
But I digress ... why all of a sudden is Cheyne out there like some kind of war-mongering cheerleader, still trying to change the mind of a country who went Democratic for Barack. He's starting to sound (and with as much credibility as) a medicated schizo who truly believes we are doomed UNLESS ... unless ... we throw in with the Republicans, because after all Linda Cheney, the PREVIOUS Vice President's wife, believes that Mr. Obama is sympathetic to terrorists. What planet does this stupid person give as a forwarding address.
Worst of all, why is she given any air time by the media? When have you sold enough blue air, when do you decide that much of this is too much, and maybe shouldn't be given air time. My god. Cheney looses, and is in denial of it. He makes lots of noises that sould like he's still in charge.
Mr. Cheney: Do us all a favor and fulful the prophecies of many of your doctors. Just ... die. They we can truly start from ground level with the influences of a man whose clothes, says a friend of mine, smell of burning witches. I believe your hand would gladly throw the torch on the piled kindling.
Ah, America. You cannot really love your enemies. They will kill you, and justifiy it.
Blessed be.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
President Obama has survived his first 100 days, and I do not say that lightly. First there were the nasty remarks about his dog, and his travel to Venezuela and his shaking hands and accepting a book from Chavez. And when all else was lost they picked on Michelle, saying she was showing way too much upper arm. Why? Because they are strong, and toned, and make them look like the overindulged weenies that they are. My god. This family (yes, the family) has been duly and honestly (for a change) elected as our First Family. I expected criticism, but something of a far more intellectual bent. Silly me.
Now there’s a fuss about Obamas being stingy with their girls’ school auction: what’s all the fuss? Perhaps they want to make the point that it is the gift that counts, not the price of the gift. No one points the finger at the good Christians who palm the collection plate on Sundays, and afterwards drop dollars at the 7-11 for the great gonna-be lottery ticket. (I’m gonna win, I’m gonna be rich, I’m gonna be happy.)
What would John Leonard say about the first 100 days? I just finished his collection of essays on various subjects. I’m sorry he is gone from us. .
He is the last genuine truth teller. John Leonard is who I want my writing to be, when it (and I) grow up.
Read him. If you can find him. The public library system in the hotbed of knee-jerk Republicanism where I live has none of his work. None. Of course, they’re too busy sweeping little pink things out from under their beds and flashing their red necks at every opportunity. But John Leonard is one of our greatest shamans, a truth-teller, who shifts the shapes of bigotry and oppression (can you say Kristallnacht?) into the things we should truly fear, not the things the media assures us are going to carry us away in the dark of night. The glass you hear breaking is the heart of truth, not the windows of the world.
Which brings me to what I really want to talk about.
Racism and bigotry.
Today I received yet another hate-mongering e-mail thinly disguised as being “funny”. It wasn’t. It was a message of subdued hate with a very obvious racial foundation. I received it from a list of people who I’ve known since elementary school for a large part, and the rest from high school. I’m really glad I wasn’t paying attention in school, if this is what they were taught and what they learned. Now, take into consideration that the town in question (where I grew up, I might ad) is the last bastion of Republican supremacy, and is, thankfully, shrinking fast. Even Arlen Specter has bailed out. This was a nasty, scurrilous message that made me so angry only a stroke would have made me feel better. Written by, and forwarded to a great many people I have known for a very long time. The fact that they have made it to their middle sixties, still obsessed with the totally insane things they think they know about our President and tout as truth, scares me. They have not, in 60 years, discovered the fact that we are all in this together. Oh, except anyone who’s educated and black. That’s got to be trouble. Never mind the gangstas on the street corners. This highly educated lawyer, who has dedicated his life to helping the little guy, is being run over roughshod buy the likes of Newt Gingrich, of dubious reputation, and Rush Limbaugh, who is a junkie. Yes, he is. No matter if he never takes another pill (yeah, fat chance of that) he’s still a junkie.
It appalls me, rips me to my center core, that these Republicans would DARE to use these tactics against the one person who is, in fact, our last great white hope. The white being us, and he will save us. I am sure of that. So your puerile tactics of nasty school yard blasphemies shows you to be what you are. Racists. It’s not about his dog, or his wife’s lovely upper arms, or the stimulus bill or anything other than he’s black. Shame on you. Shame on you for sabotaging our last great hope at making it out of this mess in one piece. And if that means he has to shake Chavez’s hand and accept a book from him, all that amounts to is that the world is aware that we finally have a president who can read. And hold the book in the right position.
This is the most truly patriotic president who has set his house in order since probably Roosevelt. His situation is much the same, as well. And like Roosevelt, he brooks no foolishness. He’s got a plan, and pity the poor fool who tries to deter him from that. Unlike poor George, who could be sidetracked by a bourbon rocks and perhaps a horse. Although he didn’t seem to ride that well. But one does what one can when intellect is low on the totem pole. Face it, George was dumber than a box of rocks. And he was a puppet whose strings were pulled by Cheney and Rumsfield and James Baker and all the “good ol’ boys” that his daddy expected to protect him. Even his father knew he couldn’t do the job, so he made sure his big friends were there to do it for him. And what has it gotten us? Well, much like Vietnam, we have huge casualties, lots of young widows and orphans and a world that hates us. And for 8 years this was status quo. What the hell was the matter with the rest of us? France has overthrown governments for raising the price of flour and wine.
So. In sum. Stop it. Grow up, if you can. Start behaving like reasonable human beings, and see if you can’t bring your ingrained racism under some kind of control, for the good of everyone. Hate begets hate. And there’s no reason to hate this man. Unless, of course, redneck avengers of the great Confederacy, you cannot give up the fight.
Well. Give it up. You lost. And you will never win this way. Stop being such self-centered bigots and consider your country instead. You’ll survive it. Maybe you’ll even learn something. And, oh, by the way. Give up your assault weapons. And quit trying to bullshit us into believing you use them for hunting.
You sadden me and also sicken me, I’m not sure which is predominant. I know that most of you have never stepped outside the cozy little box of your life in the town in which you grew up. I have. And I have been allowed a close look into the black society, the family structures, the respect for their elders and their love for children. These are people who are descended from princes of tribes that were around a helluva long time before the smartass Europeans decided they needed to be taken away in chains for no other reason than they would make good slaves and provided great income for their captors. And they have been kept submissive to the point of poverty for 400 years, with the exception of the few who managed to escape.
Barack was lucky. He had a mother and grandmother who loved him, and they set him free with all the strength and intellect he would ever need to deal with this predominately uni-brow society. What is it you hate so much about him? That he’s smarter than you? Or that you believe your daughters will seek out a black man for their lifetime companion. You could do worse. You could find Ted Nugent as your son-in-law. Fully loaded.
Get over yourselves. You are outdated, outvoted, and outnumbered. Go away and leave the thinking, feeling, sensitive people in peace. And that includes our president.
For shame. Your bully pulpit reeks of evil and hate. And I pity you.
Now there’s a fuss about Obamas being stingy with their girls’ school auction: what’s all the fuss? Perhaps they want to make the point that it is the gift that counts, not the price of the gift. No one points the finger at the good Christians who palm the collection plate on Sundays, and afterwards drop dollars at the 7-11 for the great gonna-be lottery ticket. (I’m gonna win, I’m gonna be rich, I’m gonna be happy.)
What would John Leonard say about the first 100 days? I just finished his collection of essays on various subjects. I’m sorry he is gone from us. .
He is the last genuine truth teller. John Leonard is who I want my writing to be, when it (and I) grow up.
Read him. If you can find him. The public library system in the hotbed of knee-jerk Republicanism where I live has none of his work. None. Of course, they’re too busy sweeping little pink things out from under their beds and flashing their red necks at every opportunity. But John Leonard is one of our greatest shamans, a truth-teller, who shifts the shapes of bigotry and oppression (can you say Kristallnacht?) into the things we should truly fear, not the things the media assures us are going to carry us away in the dark of night. The glass you hear breaking is the heart of truth, not the windows of the world.
Which brings me to what I really want to talk about.
Racism and bigotry.
Today I received yet another hate-mongering e-mail thinly disguised as being “funny”. It wasn’t. It was a message of subdued hate with a very obvious racial foundation. I received it from a list of people who I’ve known since elementary school for a large part, and the rest from high school. I’m really glad I wasn’t paying attention in school, if this is what they were taught and what they learned. Now, take into consideration that the town in question (where I grew up, I might ad) is the last bastion of Republican supremacy, and is, thankfully, shrinking fast. Even Arlen Specter has bailed out. This was a nasty, scurrilous message that made me so angry only a stroke would have made me feel better. Written by, and forwarded to a great many people I have known for a very long time. The fact that they have made it to their middle sixties, still obsessed with the totally insane things they think they know about our President and tout as truth, scares me. They have not, in 60 years, discovered the fact that we are all in this together. Oh, except anyone who’s educated and black. That’s got to be trouble. Never mind the gangstas on the street corners. This highly educated lawyer, who has dedicated his life to helping the little guy, is being run over roughshod buy the likes of Newt Gingrich, of dubious reputation, and Rush Limbaugh, who is a junkie. Yes, he is. No matter if he never takes another pill (yeah, fat chance of that) he’s still a junkie.
It appalls me, rips me to my center core, that these Republicans would DARE to use these tactics against the one person who is, in fact, our last great white hope. The white being us, and he will save us. I am sure of that. So your puerile tactics of nasty school yard blasphemies shows you to be what you are. Racists. It’s not about his dog, or his wife’s lovely upper arms, or the stimulus bill or anything other than he’s black. Shame on you. Shame on you for sabotaging our last great hope at making it out of this mess in one piece. And if that means he has to shake Chavez’s hand and accept a book from him, all that amounts to is that the world is aware that we finally have a president who can read. And hold the book in the right position.
This is the most truly patriotic president who has set his house in order since probably Roosevelt. His situation is much the same, as well. And like Roosevelt, he brooks no foolishness. He’s got a plan, and pity the poor fool who tries to deter him from that. Unlike poor George, who could be sidetracked by a bourbon rocks and perhaps a horse. Although he didn’t seem to ride that well. But one does what one can when intellect is low on the totem pole. Face it, George was dumber than a box of rocks. And he was a puppet whose strings were pulled by Cheney and Rumsfield and James Baker and all the “good ol’ boys” that his daddy expected to protect him. Even his father knew he couldn’t do the job, so he made sure his big friends were there to do it for him. And what has it gotten us? Well, much like Vietnam, we have huge casualties, lots of young widows and orphans and a world that hates us. And for 8 years this was status quo. What the hell was the matter with the rest of us? France has overthrown governments for raising the price of flour and wine.
So. In sum. Stop it. Grow up, if you can. Start behaving like reasonable human beings, and see if you can’t bring your ingrained racism under some kind of control, for the good of everyone. Hate begets hate. And there’s no reason to hate this man. Unless, of course, redneck avengers of the great Confederacy, you cannot give up the fight.
Well. Give it up. You lost. And you will never win this way. Stop being such self-centered bigots and consider your country instead. You’ll survive it. Maybe you’ll even learn something. And, oh, by the way. Give up your assault weapons. And quit trying to bullshit us into believing you use them for hunting.
You sadden me and also sicken me, I’m not sure which is predominant. I know that most of you have never stepped outside the cozy little box of your life in the town in which you grew up. I have. And I have been allowed a close look into the black society, the family structures, the respect for their elders and their love for children. These are people who are descended from princes of tribes that were around a helluva long time before the smartass Europeans decided they needed to be taken away in chains for no other reason than they would make good slaves and provided great income for their captors. And they have been kept submissive to the point of poverty for 400 years, with the exception of the few who managed to escape.
Barack was lucky. He had a mother and grandmother who loved him, and they set him free with all the strength and intellect he would ever need to deal with this predominately uni-brow society. What is it you hate so much about him? That he’s smarter than you? Or that you believe your daughters will seek out a black man for their lifetime companion. You could do worse. You could find Ted Nugent as your son-in-law. Fully loaded.
Get over yourselves. You are outdated, outvoted, and outnumbered. Go away and leave the thinking, feeling, sensitive people in peace. And that includes our president.
For shame. Your bully pulpit reeks of evil and hate. And I pity you.
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